What of the American Civil War and the CSA (Confederate States of America)?
The American Civil War, of course, was fought over slavery, right?
*As depicted in movies such as Wild Wild West, although surprisingly, the remake of Planet of the Apes with Mark Wahlberg hints at the reality of Lincoln and the American Civil War if you pay close attention.
My e-mail to Anthony:
theurbanunderground to Dream
show details 11:38 PM (21 hours ago)
Comparing Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Stalin as you did on your blog post is a bit out of balance, to understate the situation.
Joseph Stalin's repression in the Soviet Union was horrifying and led to the deaths of millions of people and the enslavement of political prisoners in gulags.
Please read up on Joseph Stalin before you make another comparison like that
Anthony's response to the above e-mail:
to me
show details 2:52 PM (5 hours ago)
Lincoln's unconstitutional war lead to the deaths of over 620,000 Americans, a modern equivalent of over 5 million people. Tens of thousands of people were imprisoned for years, without being charged, and without trial.
These are not disputable facts. How it escapes you that I (and others) compare Lincoln to Stalin baffles me.
his Twitter account: